
All families start with a comprehensive evaluation that is generally 60-75 minutes. In addition to learning about your sleep and psychological concerns, this allows for a detailed (sleep) history and screening for any medical, developmental, psychological, or safety issues that may relate to sleep, mood, and well-being. Because sleep impacts all parts of the day, we will discuss a typical 24-hour period in your family’s life and the fine points of bedtime, overnight, and morning.

Dr. Moore generally sees patients for follow-up in 30 or 60-minute increments, which will depend on you/ your child’s needs.

Want to treat a friend or family member to a package of sleep help? Talk to Dr. Moore about options.

Additional Services

  • Dr. Moore has taught courses on sleep across the globe. She provides education and clinical supervision to medical and psychology trainees as well as more experienced providers.

  • Dr. Moore has been invited to speak at schools, clinical practices, conferences, and parent groups across the United States including New York, Philadelphia, San Antonio, Dallas, Boston, Baltimore, Amelia Island, Seattle, Washington DC, and Richmond as well as internationally in several countries including Canada, Jamaica, Chile, Brazil, Belize, Italy, and Spain.

  • Provider Consultation: Sleep diagnosis and treatment consultation.

    Clinic Consultation: Help to add behavioral sleep medicine to your practice.

    Organizational Consultation: Individual sessions and group workshops for company employees focused on parent and child sleep.


Dr. Moore sees new patients in-person in Los Angeles. She also sees patients virtually in California, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Let’s talk about your
dream scenario.

“Happiness is: a sleeping baby.”🌛

“I already want to take a nap tomorrow.” 💤

“A sleeping baby is the new happy hour.” 😴

“May your coffee be strong and your baby’s naps long.” 🙏

“People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” 👼

“Happiness is: a sleeping baby.”🌛 “I already want to take a nap tomorrow.” 💤 “A sleeping baby is the new happy hour.” 😴 “May your coffee be strong and your baby’s naps long.” 🙏 “People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” 👼